
Announced on August 2, 2010! Power Stoplight Mobile for Android

Find Power Stoplight Mobile for Android by searching Android Market with keywords Power Stoplight. Note that finding this app requires OS 2.0 or higher and that the Maturity setting be at a minimum of Low since the app uses GPS information in the phone (though none is sent back to our servers!) and there is an Android Market requirement for this setting.

Announced on June 12, 2010: Power Stoplight Mobile, the BlackBerry App

Announced on June 7, 2010! Power Stoplight Mobile, the iPhone App

Find it on the App Store here or by searching on keywords Power Stoplight

From the Power Stoplight website:

Power Stoplight Mobile is an App that helps environmental and cost-conscious users & generators of electricity know when it’s an OK time to use their power-hungry electrical appliances (e.g., washers, dryers, air conditioning) and to enable any generation of power (e.g., solar panels, wind turbines) that they themselves might own.

Full Press Release from Smart Power Devices